Gitta’s Story- Open Water Swimming

Gitta’s Story- Open Water Swimming

Gita talks about how she discovered Open Water Swimming coming out of lockdown. It was a time when everybody spent a lot of time on their own and at home and not mixing with other people and she started by joining a group of new open Water swimmers.

‘I’ll just throw myself into it and try it. And I didn’t succeed the first time because it was too cold, but I thought l’l try again and got a wetsuit and absolutely loved it never looked back since it’s just such a great feeling. like for those days when you’re feeling a bit rubbish and a bit down not not really feeling great. Then if you make yourself go out and for a swim it always always makes me feel better. It’s really refreshing and it’s kind of like a inflection point so it’s like being away from your life for a little while and a completely different environment’

Digital Library of Lived Experience

Video by:

Lois Graham



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