1Step 12Step 23Step 34Step 41/4Step 1 LIVED EXPERIENCE PARTICIPANT Participant Information First Name Last Name Gender MaleFemaleNon-BinaryTransgenderIntersexI prefer not to sayOther Date of Birth Mobile Number Next WELLBEING FORM We are asking you these questions to help us understand how you're feeling at the moment, and whether it's in your interests to participate in the project. Below are some statements about feelings and thoughts. Please select from the dropdown that best describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks. I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling useful: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling relaxed: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling interested in other people: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve had energy to spare: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been dealing with problems well: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been thinking clearly: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling good about myself: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling close to other people: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling confident: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling loved: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been interested in new things: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time I’ve been feeling cheerful: Choose BelowNone of the timeRarelySome of the timeOftenAll of the time BackNext PROJECT EVALUATION FORM We are asking you these questions to help us understand how we performed during this project and how this has impacted you. Below are some statements about how the project went. How much do you agree/disagree with the following statements (where 1 = Disagree Strongly and 10 = Agree Strongly). Please select from the dropdown that best describes your experience of the Digital Lived Experience Project. a) The check-in/onboarding process for project was good and I was well informed about the process Choose Below12345678910 b) Sharing my mental health story was a positive experience Choose Below12345678910 c) I enjoyed the process of talking about my mental health and making the video Choose Below12345678910 d) It has made me feel better about myself and my mental health Choose Below12345678910 e) I felt safe through the experience Choose Below12345678910 f) The thought that my story will help others makes me feel good Choose Below12345678910 g) I'm proud of video we produced Choose Below12345678910 Below are some questions about how the project affected you. Please write down what best describes your experience of the Digital Lived Experience Project. 3. What could we have done better? 4. What was your favourite part of this project? 5. Is there anything you'd like to say about the video? g) 6. How likely would you be to take part in a similar project in the future, where 1 = Very unlikely and 10 = Very likely Choose Below12345678910 BackNext Data Protection By submitting this form I consent for SAFA Cumbria to read and review the data that I have submitted, to store it for as long as necessary to process my application, and to contact me about it. Loading... * by submitting this form you are consenting to providing the data outlined above. Back