David Jackson talks about how he navigated 16 years in care, having to grow up quickly as a child and dealing with a very turbulent and abusive care environment.
‘My name’s Dave Jackson, my story be began in 1965, and at that time, few various issues going on at home. I ended up in care where stayed for about 16 and a half years, basically. And it was a very turbulent and very hostile and very violent upbringing that I had in those homes. So it wasn’t as perhaps well legislated as it is today. There was a lot of abuse and that abuse was primarily coming from people like the staff, and it was complicated by color in a lot of places. I was the only black child in the home, which complicated matters quite significantly at times. that’s the kind of childhood that I had to navigate. A childhood where I learned to look after myself very, very quickly. And I guess in many ways I’m kind of reluctant to call it a childhood because I did actually have to grow up a little bit too quickly.
Digital Library of Lived Experience
Video by:
Lois Graham