Depression in the Army

Depression in the Army

An anonymous story from a young man who spent time in the army and how it caused him depression and anxiety, struggled with relationships from abuse in his past. Talking about how therapy has helped.

‘At first, it was just a feeling of unease. I found it hard because I ended up in a role I never signed up for. I didn’t have any interest, and I often felt alone and isolated, working alone most of the time.

As time went on, that feeling of unease turned into something much more significant. I started to experience intense bouts of anxiety and depres-sion, often triggered by the stress and pressure of army life. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus, and found myself becoming more and more isolated from the people around me.

I tried to soldier on, convincing myself that I was going through a rough patch and that things would get better. But they never did. The constant pressure, the long hours, the uncertainty of military life – they all took their, toll on my mental health.’

Digital Library of Lived Experience

Animation by:

Lois Graham



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